Wednesday, June 15, 2011

An aside: A Total Money Makeover

Let's face it - if we could all afford huge insurance premiums, we'd be paying them. In my case, really bad financial decisions in the past mean that I absolutely must live on a budget. 

I've heard financial counselors refer to "spending plans" because the word budget is so fraught with negative meaning. 
I wanted to find a way to rearrange my financial life along Christian principles; I wasn't looking to get rich quick, or even to get rich.

I found Dave Ramsey's "Total Money Makeover" - a plan that uses straightforward "baby steps" to help people achieve financial peace and freedom. Dave follows biblical principles like tithing, and he believes that money is meant for giving, spending and saving. Period. Money is a tool, nothing more. So far, I'm only on Step Two - the Debt Snowball. But I already have more financial peace than I've had in years. Thanks Dave!

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